Friday, January 2, 2015

"I Am DELIVERT?!?!?"

*Insert Cliche New Years Catchphrase Here...Tee Hee Hee*

HAPPY 2015 PEOPLE!!! Another Year in the Books - How do you feel about it? 

I'm actually kind of excited. Not for any particular reason, other than the fact that I don't feel like I want to jump out of a window, and haven't felt like that in quite some time. That alone is reason enough to celebrate for me. 

I have a couple of things that I can say contribute to my new found sense of "Happy". Church is definitely one of them. My Husband and I got saved about two months ago, and it really has been a great experience having a church home, and church family, going to bible study, etc. 

I'm sure you're wondering how this links to my depression. Well, sometimes when folks hear that I'm also on medication, I get the, "You should keep that to yourself/you should pray about it/Jesus is the ultimate healer". I even had someone say that they prayed once and God took the mental illness right out of them...I guess you could say they were "DELIVERTTTTTT!!!", that's great and all, and I do believe in the healing power of prayer, and that God can deliver you from anything. I think the problem I have is, some of those same people claimed to be delivered from their personal demons, and continued to suffer, or do the things they said they no longer had a desire to do. 

Meanwhile, I'm praying for healing and strength, and using my new church family as my strength. As a result, I've stopped my therapy for awhile...I think I'm in a good place. 

This is also my last refill of my "happy pills", and I will be going to the doctor soon to talk about that. But, instead of increasing it, like I was thinking about doing a few months ago, I'm actually going to try to wean off of it if I can. This may take some time, but it's the plan. 

 I don't knock anyone and their spiritual journey.  We ALL fall short of God's grace. But I think collectively, we need to stop telling people to Pray things away, and essentially discouraging them from getting help from a doctor or therapist. If you have said that to someone, I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but just from experience, you may be doing more harm than good. 

That's all for now. I hope you receive all the blessings that are meant for you this year. :-) 


PS: Here is the "I Am Delivert" video, because I find it absolutely hilarious. 

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