Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Welcome Back

Y'all really let me go A WHOLE YEAR without writing about anything? Geesh guys!

And of course, I'm sure you're thinking:

And rightfully so...my bad lol

One of the things that I need to to work on is not getting so stressed out that I shut everyone and everything out. It's one of the many things that I've spoken to my therapist about.


Her name is Rhonda Winfield Jordan, and she owns Heart to Heart Counseling in Germantown. I strongly advise anyone who feels like they're going nuts such as myself to see her, because she will help you feel less nuts...I guarantee it.

I know a lot of you are concerned about going to talk to a complete stranger about your issues. You have lots of fears:
  1. They'll judge me - whatever you have to say, they've probably already heard. 
  2. They'll tell my business - that's not only unprofessional, but illegal under HIPPA; unless you say you're going to harm yourself or someone else, they are bound by confidentiality rules. 
  3. I can't afford it - quite the contrary! I actually got my 1st 8 sessions FOR FREE with my job's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - definitely check that out. (And the sessions I did after the EAP ran out were at a significant discount through my insurance plan).
  4. What if it doesn't work? I doubt you'll come out of therapy saying that it didn't work. I know I've had a lot of breakthroughs in dealing with my anxiety, communicating my feelings to people, and standing up for myself, all within a few months. 

Bottom line is, while I've been gone for a minute, I took time to work on me. I don't think I'm the same person I was when I started this blogging journey. But, I want to keep you guys up to date on me, and my life and such.

This isn't the last of me people - thanks for welcoming me back with open arms.


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