Sunday, September 9, 2012

Slow Progress...Always Better Than No Progress

Some people think that just by taking their meds (or "happy pills" as I like to call them), that everything will start to become better overnight...


While I will admit that after going back on meds after a horrible three months of withdrawal, I definitely feel a lot better: I'm sleeping better; I'm eating more normally; I don't feel like punching a hole in the's a great feeling!!!

But I do have my "moments". Sometimes I cry...sometimes I feel..."blah"...sometimes I want to be left alone, other days I don't want to be by myself. But I think the thing that seems to have the largest impact, is the anxiety.

In addition to depression, I also suffer from anxiety disorder. My medicine helps both. Other than my closest friends and my Husband, no one really understands the depth of its impact, the biggest being that although I've had my license since I was 19 (so about 6yrs), the thought of getting behind the wheel makes me queasy...I never told anybody though, so a lot of times it seemed as though my husband was just a limo driver, but in reality, I couldn't get up the courage to get behind the wheel. :-(

But today, was a good day: I actually drove my car to the grocery store up the street from my apartment....granted, the music was off, and I was being coached by my best friend the whole time, but nonetheless, I made it to the store and back without hyperventilating!!!

I am really hoping that I can start practicing...little by little, I can drive further and further; my goal is to get a 2nd car so I can go places by myself without fear of...anything really. That may be a while down the road, but I know it is achievable. For now though, I'm just going to take it one day at a time. :-)


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