Friday, August 31, 2012

A Wake Up Call

I HATE going to the doctor.

I guess no one really enjoys being poked in the arm with a needle, and being told that "you have to exercise", but I REALLY REALLY HATE going to the doctor.

That doesn't make it less important...especially this time.

Now that I'm married, I have to be cognizant of the fact that my health affects my husband's well being too. So, when I saw the look on his face as I told the doctor that I frequently cry for no reason, followed by periods of rage at everyone, followed by loss of appetite, and little to no sleep, I realized how selfish I was being by NOT addressing these issues. The doctor, being the kind soul she is, prescribed some meds that are supposed to help me with depression and anxiety, conditions that I believe I have suffered from for a long time...

This doesn't seem bad right? A lot of people suffer from depression...but they don't talk about it...and if they do, they are ostracized because, "only celebrities have those issues...they just want to pop pills". I can assure you that this is not the case with me. I don't like how I feel...and I want to be better, not only for my sake, but for the sake of my family.

So, when I decided to start took me a long time to figure out what to write about...and I realized that this is probably something that I will face the rest of my life; perhaps my struggle, success, and triumph, and occasional slip can help other young people that are struggling with this disease...and it is a disease; one that can be treated with medicine, prayer, and a good support system (not to mention a good sense of humor). it is...the first of a documentary on my battle with depression...feel free to comment, laugh, cry, whatever you want...but I figure if one person...just 1 person gets something out of this (even a slight grin), then it'll be worth the typing and looking for kool links and pictures and whatnot :-)

-Tina J.

1 comment:

  1. I support & love you no matter what! Depression is hard, I have struggled with it, denied it, & tried to run from it. I think its awesome that you talk about it, not just for yourself but to help others, because its a silent disease & many struggle with it.
    I'm proud of you Tina!
