Monday, February 18, 2013

This.. Is Not a Test

My husband just found out about that one of his former residents committed suicide...a close friend of mine just told me about a recent suicide attempt; she said that the weight of the world is taking a toll on her spirit; someone just last week jumped in front of an oncoming metro train; there's so many stories, it's ridiculous. I' a loss for words on this...but what I do know, is that this isn't a test; this is an all out mental battle. 

I'm sure there are people that think this is all bullshit - 'what do you young people have to be depressed about?' Considering most of the people that graduated after 2007 went to school only to end up in debt and not have a job to pay the debt off...I would say that's pretty depressing. We go through things that some people could only imagine, and unfortunately for some of us, ending life seems like the only option. This mentality is becoming more and more popular.  Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds in the U.S.; it's something that cannot just be brushed under the rug anymore. 

Researchers say to look at signs...they could range from alcohol an drug dependency, to eating disorders and sexual promiscuity, to behavior issues, and family issues, and issues upon issues upon issues...

This isn't always the case...people can smile in your face; look like they don't have a care in the world, and be the same people that are battling with the demons that lead them to take their lives. I'm one of those people. We have to look past the "trends", and look at the bigger picture - we are in a mental and spiritual war, and without support and faith, we cannot, WE WILL NOT be able to fight this. 

All it takes is reaching out to somebody, anybody-don't be ashamed to talk about this, because when you talk about it, you not only help yourself, you could be saving someone's life, including your own. Have the courage to fight this, and surround yourself with people that are willing to fight with you and for you; without that, you will never make it. 

And last but certainly not least, the tragedies that have fallen upon my alma matter could have happened at any university-please don't convince yourself that it's because it's an HBCU, that we are in different category-mental illness/death/tragedy- it transcends all color/culture/gender/religious barriers; and like our mascot, we will soar above this and beyond it, and be bigger and long as we fight it together. 


PS: Below is a link to crisis hotlines for the state of MD-I'm sure there's one in every state...don't ignore could be the one who saves someone...or yourself: 

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