Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baby Steps

I've been told I read too much. I mean, I guess that's true:

  • I read the newspaper
  • I read magazines
  • I read e-books on my tablet
  • I read blogs
The list goes on & on...but my neighborhood growing up got to the point where my overprotective parents didn't want me outside, and TV bored me, so I would read...

Anyway, their argument is that you start to believe everything that you read...I don't believe EVERYTHING, but I do take it into consideration; and if I DIDN'T READ...

  • I probably wouldn't have done as well in school, 
  • So, I wouldn't have gotten scholarships for college, 
  • And I certainly wouldn't have gotten into AND finished graduate school...I mean, you kinda have to read a little bit to get through graduate school *don't believe anyone that tells you  otherwise*
Recently, I've been reading baby books, specifically "What to Expect When You're Expecting", and "Your Pregnancy, Week by Week". And I have to admit, most of it scared the crap out of me...but there was something that really stuck out, regarding anti-depressants. 

From what I read, and from what my doctor has said, the decision to stay on my "happy pills" is up to me; I just need to acknowledge that the baby could be a little jittery/cranky coming out of the womb...

Obviously this is NOT what I want for my after a lot of thinking, and a lot of bugging my ob-gyn, he suggested that I try to wean myself off of the meds.

About two weeks ago, I started taking my meds every other day, which puts me at about half the daily dosage that I was taking before...surprisingly, I haven't noticed a difference; possibly because most of the time my personality/mood varies between

and this...
and this...

I'm hoping that eventually I can get off of it...not only for the baby, but for me; I mean, who wants to be on that stuff for the rest of their lives???

And as far as reading too much...considering we used to get killed for being caught with books, and the illiteracy rate here is disgusting, I think I will set a good example for my kid and continue to read...I think I may have saved his/her life with some of the things I've learned. :) 
