Sunday, October 7, 2012

1 Step Forward...10 Steps Back

Your doctor, in theory, should be your bff...mostly because they know all your intimate details: how/why you tick...what makes

They also seem to be the ones that SCREW YOU OVER THE MOST TOO!!!

As you can see, I'm not a very happy Tina...I went to the doctor for a follow-up a few weeks ago, and was told I would be getting a refill on my medication (I call it 'happy pills'). I still had about 2.5 weeks left of pills, so I had to wait until I was closer to being out to pick it up (they worry about addiction & overdosing & whatnot)

Sooooo...I go to CVS yesterday, and they never filled it...and it's a holiday weekend...and they're I'll probably have to wait until Tuesday to get it filled...

As someone who has already gone through withdrawal once before, I wasn't looking forward to the next few days...and you may say that a few days wouldn't cause a big impact, but I've already had about 2 dizzy spells, and a few "cloudy" moments :(

Tomorrow, I may just try to call and tell them that it's an emergency...because feeling like this is not life threatening; but it is highly annoying

-Tina *smh*